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This is some pictures of my cat buttercup,she is my first pet even though im 11, I've had her for a while, she's so great

This is Buttercup, she is a sweet heart

these two pictures of cats are artwork. You see that beautiful head swing, great right, I love it, Buttercups so glamorous and beautiful, enjoy and embrace that head swing while this funny nerd is cute"

these pictures show a piece of work of a really soft loaf of bread, i just love bread to much to not take a picture for later. The other picture shows a wild cat in her habitat being cute and walking

this picture was tooken back in the middle ages, totally not now, like right this very second now, legends suggest the beautiful beast is a cute cat ghost, the end...

this is a picture from many moons ago when Buttercup was a baby, shes the best. this shows her a little more close to today, it has this cat chillin.

This is a great picture. you can see the look in the face while were in the car. She seems annoyed and a little angry, because she hates our car, except now when my mom takes her to school to pick us up

these are Buttercups friends. The black and white cat is named Oreo and belongs to my uncle. The other one is named Frita and also belongs to my uncle.All three cats play together, mostly Buttercup and Frita. Frita is nice and rubs against you, while Oreo is shy, but will ask for butt scratches by putting her butt in your face, it works every time.

This is Elgato, translate Elgato, and you get cat, or girl cat, or something, IDK

ANYAYS, she is the best, she is a kitty and I love her very much.She is perfect


I <3 cats